Spent a really nice day with my mom at Arlington. If you haven't been, you should go see the sights and visit the many heroes. It really is breathtaking! I go to visit my brother of course as well as so many other friends we have met along the way.
Kelly and Daniel are awesome. They are unlike any couple I've ever really shot. They have their own unique qualities and are just so fun to be around. I've known Kelly for a little while. Meet the amazing hairstylist who cuts my hair here in the lovely V of A. Check her out here if you live in the Richmond, Va area. She does good work! Ok, so back to the photo shoot. They came down to Williamsburg and we did some photos in Colonial as well as the pottery area. There really isn't much left of the pottery but we managed. They truly are sweet and fun and I'm looking forward to shooting their big day!!
I love meeting the bride and groom during the engagement session. It lets me know what kind of couple they are and how they like to get their photos done. It's a time of loosening up and getting acquainted. This weekend I was so happy to finally meet Kristin, her son and Brandon. They are just such a sweet couple and her son is adorable. I met them all at Colonial Williamsburg in the late morning. It's the perfect time to go there without there being too many people. This weekend was just perfect for shooting outside as well. We couldn't have asked for a better day with more perfect weather. I look forward to shooting their big day in May!!
We decided to take the kids to build a bear. To be honest, they haven't really ever been. I mean we walk around that store all the time but I haven't let them make a bear before. I think Montana has been once but other than that.. this was their special treat. They were going crazy. My pocket book wasn't allowing for their craziness. haha. That place gets so expensive but we wanted to make sure they each had a special bear that they picked all by themselves and that Chris' voice was in it. It's theirs to sleep with and carry around. It was fun to watch them pick out outfits, only a shirt. :) Montana picked the Army Helmet and shorts so we allowed that. Myla didn't want anything and Kenna.. Well, that girl is just nuts. We had a good time and then we all went to grab a bite to eat.