It was one year ago that Montana took his last dose of chemo. That last push into his port and it was one year ago that we celebrated with a NO MO CHEMO party! What a grand ole day that was. He's been through so much and we have celebrated over many things but that has been by far our biggest accomplishment with him. Knowing that he is cancer free is a blessing and we thank God for it. Last week, he and I went back to St. Jude for his one year check up. It's such an amazing feeling to walk back into that hospital. So many memories, so many tears, and so many friends. People think that we wouldn't want to ever go back but it's so far from the truth. We love to be there. They helped saved our child and we are forever grateful. We have formed bonds with other patients and families that we never imagined we would. They became our family and we have stayed in touch with so many of them. Being back there kind of feels like being home. After spending three years at place other than your than your true home and hanging out with friends going through the same thing.. it eventually becomes home.
Well, Montana is doing great!! He's growing, learning and thriving. He's on a swim team, going into the first grade, has learned to ride a bike and his speech has come so far. We are so proud of him and all he has accomplished since being diagnosed. In the beginning he regressed but has now caught up to other kids his age. We are thankful! However, please keep all the children who are still battling in your prayers. It's so heartbreaking to walk in there and see so many children fighting for their lives. They are hopeful and they are fighters. PRAY, we are!!!

On a side note... if you know of anyone who could benefit from an Images of HOPE session, please send them the information or direct them to the website.. It's a free photo session to any child who is or has battled cancer. There are photographers from all over the country involved so check it out!!
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