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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

dark and light

Two weekends ago we were battling a hurricane. We lost power for close to 8 days. Threw out food, ate by candlelight, charged phones and IPODS in the car, checked email at Panera and celebrated sweet little Myla's birthday without light. After everything we've been through and know what others go through, in the gist of things, it really isn't much. I mean, I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to a HOT shower after a week... cause boy was I. But, we were all OK and we still had our house. Amen.

Well, Myla, my baby girl is 2. She has been a blessing to us. She came into our life when everything was so dark. No one wanted to smile and no one wanted to laugh. Yet here I was with this new infant that brought me joy. She truly was the light for me when all I wanted to do was die myself. Born 9 days after receiving the worst news of my life, Myla Paul came to us. She's full of giggles and smiles. She jumps and she skips. Such a sweet thing then and such a sweet thing still. We love you sweetie pie.
- Love Mommy and Daddy


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