What a wonderful couple I was able to meet this past weekend. They were fun, loving, and sweet. The weather was perfect, the sun was bright and their love for one another was real. They will be getting married next summer in Yorktown which I'm sure is going to be an amazing event.
I know it's hard to believe but it's time to think about Christmas photos and Christmas cards. When you actually think about it, there really isn't much time left. I have so much to do myself with planning for the holidays that right now I'm just not going to think about it. :) I'm still playing catch up on so many other things as well as working on other new projects that Christmas time just doesn't feel here yet. But, it is and I need to kick myself into high gear. I'm having a time slot for mini Christmas sessions with the Info listed below. If you have any questions please email me!
This dress is 70+ years old. It was worn by my grandmother when she was 3 and was hand stitched. It comes straight from the heart of Germany during the WWII era. I love it. I just received it and knew that it would be getting in a photo session soon. I'm so thankful it fit my oldest daughter (3) and then it will get to be in another shoot with my other daughter as soon as she fits into it. However, it will NOT be worn as a daily clothing item. No way! Not the way my kiddos play in the backyard with mud and sticks and bikes. uh uh. I'm also thankful that my girls love to have their photos taken. That's the dream come true for a photographer!! :) It makes me happy to know that they let me capture them as they are and when we play dress up! Here is Kenna in the precious dress.
What I like most about shooting my clients, is that I usually happen to know them. Andrew is no different. I used to coach him a few years back on the swim team way before I got my photography business going. He swam with my brothers and I can usually find him hanging out at their house. As a matter of fact, he accompanied us to the Zac Brown concert. I think he's starting to blend into the family. :) Andrew is such a great, kind and caring guy. I totally believe he's going to do great things when he graduates from high school this year!
OK.. well first off, I have no idea why these photos are larger. I've done the same thing as always but I will have to figure that out at a different time. It's late, I'm tired and I want to get these up. So.....
I've been to numerous weddings now and have shot my fair share. All are about love and family and smiles and fun. Some, however, just truly make me laugh so hard that I wish I was part of the wedding party. Kelly and Daniel had an amazing wedding that had me laughing throughout the entire reception. There were so many great moments, so many people laughing and drinking and just way too many moments to explain through an image. They were married in Richmond with the reception following at the Belmont Country Club. Her husband, Daniel and his friend put on a show themed off of the Jabbawockeez. Too great for words. I've known Kelly for a few years now. She's the wonderful chick who cuts my hair here in the lovely land of VA. It was amazing getting to be a part of their special day. Congrats to the both of you. It was an amazing time!!